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A Charity to Remeber

Most people I meet are blown away that I'm 16 and own a non-profit. I started The Kristy Lane Foundation when I was 14, because I wanted to help kids who had a similar experience to mine. But instead of creating just another support group, when there were already many great ones out there no one knew about, I decided to create something that helped educate people on the importance of seeking out help and learning about different ways to cope with grief. I also discovered that since no one knew about these programs, they were in desperate need of funding. So I donate some of the money raised to support groups and some to a camp that uses that money so a kid who can't afford to go can now have that opportunity. Through talking with people I also realized that many adults and kids alike had not experienced grief yet and didn't know how to act around a person who was. So I know talk to people who are experiencing grief about different support groups and people who haven't about how to act around a grieving person. I inform funeral homes, teachers, counselors and other people who have a daily connection with kids about these support groups and camps. My dream one day is to develop a college scholarship for high school seniors who have lost a parent. I know that many kids experience grief from other deaths like a grandparent, aunt, uncle or even a sibling. However kids who have lost a parent can not only fall victim to grief but also to a financial loss. Many families have both parents working and when one passes away, it becomes harder for the single parent to send their child(ren) to college. I also one day hope to expand beyond Colorado and help children across America get connected with a resource that can teach them coping methods for their grief. To some people it's

shocking that a 16 year old is capable of all of this, but to me it's a way I can help others.

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